Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations

Results: 1070

931Operator theory / Functional analysis / Linear algebra / Hahn–Banach theorem / Vector space / Function / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Theorems and definitions in linear algebra / Mathematics / Algebra / Mathematical analysis

Lecturas Matem´ aticas Volumen[removed]), p´

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Source URL: www.scm.org.co

Language: English - Date: 2013-12-02 15:14:50
932Operator theory / Partial differential equations / Linear algebra / Multivariable calculus / Eigenvalues and eigenvectors / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Algebra / Mathematics / Calculus

THE k-HESSIAN EQUATION XU-JIA WANG Centre for Mathematics and its Applications

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Source URL: maths-people.anu.edu.au

Language: English - Date: 2008-05-27 01:30:57
933Statistical theory / Thermodynamics / Principle of maximum entropy / Convex optimization / Kullback–Leibler divergence / Distribution / Weight / Prime-counting function / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Mathematical analysis / Statistics / Mathematics

Journal of Machine Learning Research[removed]1260 Submitted 4/06; Revised 4/07; Published 6/07

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Source URL: classes.soe.ucsc.edu

Language: English - Date: 2008-02-26 16:45:36
934Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem / Sieve theory / Quadratic residue / Generalized Riemann hypothesis / Dirichlet character / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Symbol / Mathematics / Abstract algebra / Number theory


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Source URL: www.personal.psu.edu

Language: English - Date: 2014-02-03 22:36:57
935Topological vector spaces / Locally convex topological vector space / Calculus of variations / Continuous function / Metric space / Convex function / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Fréchet space / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Topology

C:/Documents and Settings/c_flaut/My Documents/ANALE-2005-F1/GOGA.dvi

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Source URL: www.emis.de

Language: English - Date: 2008-10-13 03:29:07
936Symbol / Fourier transform / Partial differential equation / Entailment / Beta code / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Mathematical analysis / Logic / Mathematics

Introduction to Superanalysis and its Applications

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Source URL: www.math.titech.ac.jp

Language: English - Date: 2011-10-16 01:20:53
937Spectral theory / Operator theory / Ordinary differential equations / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Mathematical analysis / Measure theory / Support

Asymptotic Analysis for Optimal Investment and Consumption with Transaction Costs

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Source URL: www.sba21.com

Language: English - Date: 2003-08-13 05:06:34
938Mathematics / Operator theory / Ordinary differential equations / Spectral theory / Estimation theory / Lambda calculus / Mathematical analysis / Normal distribution / Statistics

Illinois Journal of Mathematics Volume 54, Number 4, Winter 2010, Pages 1239–1284 S[removed]

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Source URL: www.math.cmu.edu

Language: English - Date: 2012-09-25 18:05:01
939S-matrix / LSZ reduction formula / Propagator / Hamiltonian / Hilbert space / Μ operator / Feynman diagram / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Linear temporal logic / Physics / Quantum mechanics / Quantum field theory

Quantum Field Theory I Chapter 10

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Source URL: www.itp.phys.ethz.ch

Language: English - Date: 2013-02-28 05:45:04
940Derivative / Differential calculus / Convex function / Operator theory / Theorems and definitions in linear algebra / Spectral theory of ordinary differential equations / Mathematical analysis / Mathematics / Convex analysis


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Source URL: iew3.technion.ac.il

Language: English - Date: 2006-02-25 17:00:00